Friday, August 1, 2014


Ширээ нуур:
Traditional Mongolian Long Song with modern twist "Schurankhai" by Mongolian Honoured singer Uuriintoya.

Халуун элгэн нутаг:
Traditional Mongolian Music & Dance Ensemble. One of Mongolia's best known songs "My Beloved Country" song. Played by artists of the 'Mongolian National Song & Dance Academic Ensemble'.

Шанзны гурвал: Элсэн махан.
 Traditional Mongolian Musical Instrument Shanz with Modern Twist Mongolian Tune - "Sandy Desert". Have you been before the "Gobi Desert"?

We are organising Gobi Desert off road KTM motorbike tours in Mongolia. Visit:

The instrument "Shanz" is a long-necked spiked lute with an oval wooden frame with snake skin covering stretched over both faces. The three strings are fixed to a bar, which is inserted in the body. The instrument is struck or plucked with a plectrum made of horn or with the fingers. As the tones do not echo, every note is struck several times.

MS: Яасан ч сайхан уламжлал, өв соёл  ихтэй оронд төрөө вэ бид...
Бидэнтэй хамт байгаарай.

1 comment:

  1. Энэ шуранхайн дуучны клипыг үзээгүйн байнашт. Гоё болжээ.
